
45 karmaJoined


Are you  able to give grants to residents of Russia? Citizens of Russia? Citizens of Russia who left their country in the last 3 weeks and are not planning to return? Or are there sanctions-related legal reasons you can't do that?

I am the person whose grant made by SAF through a legal entity called SEE got cancelled and they asked for the rest of their money back :(

Update from 2022-03-15: looks like I don't have to return the money after all. I am still looking for a job though.

If this is still relevant, you can donate to sci-hub at https://sci-hub.ru/cryptodonate

The minimal definition is:

>Longtermism is the view that:

>(i) Those who live at future times matter just as much, morally, as those who live today;

>(ii) Society currently privileges those who live today above those who will live in the future; and

>(iii) We should take action to rectify that, and help ensure the long-run future goes well.

It doesn't really tell people why we care about the long term future so much. We do it because there can be much much much more people living in the long term future than there are living right now. This consideration seems more important to me than the fact that the society priveleges those who live today.

I wonder, did you not include this consideration in any of the definitions, because it's too difficult for people to understand?

They could very well accept all the inconsistencies Michael mentions and still just maximize EV according to their own (complex) values.

Excuse me, what does EV stand for?