
Head of Marketing @ Giving What We Can
1983 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)Melbourne VIC, Australia



Head of Marketing at Giving What We Can

grace.adams @


Thanks for the kind feedback about our hiring process! I'll encourage the team to write up how we have approached the hiring for some roles where we think we ran a good process!

[Edit: Actually Michael Townsend wrote this in the past about our hiring process, which is worth reading]

This is a lovely reflection, thank you for writing it! 

I very much agree that those who are wealthiest have much more of a responsibility to give! - but GWWC is not explicitly aimed at trying to get billionaires to donate more, because we're not really set up to do that! And there are other organisations who are trying to do this much better than we could.

This video is definitely not asking all people to give large amounts to charity, but I also wanted to talk to all kinds of people about charity. People across all spectrums of income give to charity, even people with very low incomes, so I think it's worthwhile giving people the knowledge that some charities can do a lot more than others. I think Imma is right below that even a small amount can go a long way when donated effectively.

We always encourage people to do what feels right to them, and would agree that people who are just trying to get their own needs met, may be better off not donating!

This video is really for people who have their needs meet (whatever this means to them) and who might be interested in giving. But it's very hard when you put a video up online to provide all these caveats or messages about who the video is for when you're trying to make a relatively interesting 15 min video that's already covering a bunch of topics. How hard it is to get the balance right is something I've been reflecting on lately. I hope we've struck an okay balance here.

Oh I thought I responded to this already!

I'd like to say that people often have very good reasons for not pledging, that are sometimes visible to us, and other times not - and no one should feel bad for making the right choice for themselves! 

I do of course think many more people in our community could take the GWWC Pledge, but I wouldn't want people to do that at the expense of them feeling comfortable with making that commitment.

We should respect other people's journeys, lifestyles and values in our pursuits to do good.

And thanks Lizka for sharing your previous post in this thread too! Appreciate you sharing your perspective!

I was lucky enough to see Marcus play this year at the Australian Open, and have pledged alongside him! Marcus is so hardworking - in tennis alongside his work at High Impact Athletes! Go Marcus!!!

Thanks for sharing your perspective, Karthik! 

I think it's pretty unacceptable to be rude or unkind to anyone who hasn't take a pledge with GWWC. Everyone is on their own journey and should do what is right for them. I would be disappointed to hear of pledgers who are acting in a manner that's unkind to non-pledgers.

I second Liza's request here to ask people who are being uncharitable or unkind about the decisions of others around taking a pledge to refrain from doing so. 

I think it's acceptable to politely ask people if they'd welcome a discussion about reasons they should consider taking a pledge, but if there's no interest, to let the conversation go.

One of the reasons I love the GWWC Community, is that people tend to be very kind and welcoming, and I would hate to see that change.

(also thanks Liza for sharing your previous post here, too!)

Hi David!

I'm not sure why they thought it was so high! It also surprised me! 

I think maybe because we had talked about their own income beforehand? But I also hadn't really introduced much about charity before that point - so perhaps in other settings they are also being anchored? 

I had a small sample size so not sure I can draw any major conclusions here! The filming was about 10 months ago so I'm afraid I can't remember!

Hi Ula! Sorry for the very slow response! I got caught up with other work! 

A video like this would generally cost between 10k-20k GBP depending on the team used and how much staff time goes into it.

We're currently not running ads with this video, but will probably do so in the future. We have been trying to get as much organic traction on it as possible so far! Happy to share some further results with you when we have it!

Here's an explanation from Luke about how taking a voluntary salary sacrifice could count towards the pledge (as long as you still think it's one of the most effective organisations improving the lives of others):

Let me know what you think!

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