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Just my opinion. I'd like to see more EA's working together. For example, at a couple events there were discussion of helping people pursue higher paying jobs in software development. I met another EA who invests money for EAs at a rate significantly higher than the market without taking fees.

Im an EA. I've donated over 50% of my income for over 3 years, and I've been active volunteering (informally and formally) for over 8 years. I rarely felt comfortable at an EA event or meetup.

Ive met a handful of people who donate 10%, and a handful of people who do some volunteer work. I've also met a bunch of people I suspect of being more interested in philosophy and socializing than altruism. EA community building is a huge disappointment.

There is huge potential in EAs working together--the sum of the wholes are greater than the sum of the parts. But after 3 years of trying, I'm about ready to give up.

"Lets poll EAG attendees to see how EAs feel about EA" -no statistician ever

I think is a great opportunity for the information we know on acting well to be formalized into recommendations. For example, I believe the consensus is that buying organic is not particularly good for environment while going veg has a large measurable effect. There are other relatively small changes you can make to your home and place of employment like reducing waste and planting trees. Any have input?

Regarding the second quote, pretend you're debating between a job you love and a job that pays double. The quote is saying that if you really love the job, you may wind up being paid comparably anyway, because people who are passionate about their work tend to be the best, and tend to be paid way more than average.

Id like to see a similar post about productive group events.

This rings true for the meetup I attend.

(Homogenous groups miss out on talent, experience, and information held by those who aren’t in the limited social group they recruit from. We end up with lopsided skill sets and the same conversations again and again.)

If I remember correctly, participants were read stories and then asked to recall sad details. Not trying to be a downer, but the study's design is poorly related to PTSD.

Good point, the best strategy will vary based on income. I guess getting above that $6,500 is the first hurdle.

The December and January donation idea is a great solution. Also, touche'. This wouldn't apply to people itemizing due to other deductions like a mortgage.

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