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I've recently come across the opportunity to influence a decent amount (20-50k) of corporate funding towards charitable causes through nominating grant recipients. The corporation is a major player in the agricultural industry. The biggest catch is that the corporate fund is only interested / willing to fund causes where the targetted area is within the United States. This means that most of the highest recommended charities (per GiveWell or similar) are disqualified, since the most effective charities tend to operate in the most improverished locations (such as rural Africa or Asia).

Is anyone aware of a list of effective non-profits (in the sense of high impact per dollar, organizational transparency, etc) that have significant operations targetted at the United States? I've searched some for orgs that fit this description, but I haven't been able to find a high quality source of pre-existing research on the topic.

Some other restrictions that the fund places on recipients:

  • Must in someway embody at least one of the core pillars of the fund's purpose:
    • Nutrition & Sustainable Food Systems
      • Food security, animal welfare, climate action.
    • Agricultural Education & Innovation
      • Advancement of quality education, research and innovation in agriculture
    • Community Development
      • Advancement of community development, particularly in communities with a strong customer base (agricultural communities in rural USA)

I also think the fund would shy away from causes that are preceived as too controversial or are someway in conflict with their business model. This would probably mean most charities aiming to end factory would be off the table (though a particularly diplomatic charity with the general goal of reducing farmed animal suffering might still be palatable).

Does this forum have any recommendations for USA-specific charities that are EA-aligned and also fit the criteria described above?




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Climate change

Giving Green's 2023 climate recommendations are:

  • Clean Air Task Force
  • Evergreen Collaborative
  • Good Energy Collective
  • The Good Food Institute (GFI)
  • Industrious Labs

Most of these orgs do climate advocacy in the United States.

Animal welfare

Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE)'s current top charities are:

  • Faunalytics
  • The Humane League
  • GFI
  • Wild Animal Initiative

All four organizations operate in the U.S.

The environmental law groups like Earthjustice have a quite strong return on investment from my limited research. Not sure if it would be considered controversial, but it does check the climate change box.

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GiveDirectly has a program for the US that you can donate to. I don't really know how good it is, but the organization in general seems excellent.

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