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I had high hopes for this post...and was disappointed. I don't think getting roommates or changing roommates is a cure for loneliness for the majority of adults. If I wrote a similar post, instead, I'd discuss various forms of **meditation**. Additionally, I'd mention how to find friends in new places (not necessarily roommates as I don't base my room/housing on the who--but the where).

Even then, since most people are looking for a life partner, the better way to reduce loneliness is to meet potential suitors. So then one more prospective route is how to meet, generally, single people. Colloquially, at least in the US, this means going to bars or "day gaming."

It would be better if you started with, "Perhaps suffering matters more than [death]."

Also, see these:

Maybe it's just me, but when you say "my ideas" it sounds as though you're going to put forth some original idea/perspective. None of these ideas are remotely original. Additionally, why use a Google Doc? Is this for a class? Do you want suggestions?

[Adam and Tilda turn to leave the room]

  • HM: Adam. Listen to me. For the sake of my grandson, if not your own. There is a natural order to this world, and those who try to upend it do not fare well. This movement will never survive. If you join them, you and your entire family will be shunned. At best, you exist as pariah, to be spat on and beaten. At worst, lynched or crucified.

(At the same time in year 2144 we see Sonmi being led to her execution, watched by a crowd which includes Mephi, she smiles with a tear rolling down her face as the device that kills fabricants is placed to her head, the metal bolt released killing her instantly as it goes through her head)

  • HM: And for what? For what? No matter what you do, it will never amount to anything more than a single drop in a limitless ocean.
  • Adam Ewing: What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?

[Adam and Tilda leave the room] ~ Cloud Atlas

"Virtually all poverty reduction comes from economic growth and migration–not [...] philanthropy."

Thousands of dollars to prevent one person from getting Malaria (due to an AMF bednet) is enough for me. Sure, it's a drop in the bucket—so what?

Most philanthropists aren’t asking themselves, what’s the absolute most effective anti-poverty force in the world? They’re thinking like economists, on the margin. What’s the greatest marginal benefit for the world that I can get in exchange for my donation? The fact that most poverty reduction is coming from economic growth and migration could indicate that other areas are being neglected, and thus offer more promising opportunities for an individual donor. Bednets for malaria prevention seem like a clear example of this.

Jason H

Should individuals be thought of as a macroeconomic force?

Should single charities?


What, exactly, are we marketing?

  • Sacrifice: not so small as to feel meaningless and not so extreme as to be unreasonable.

E.g., not donating a couple cents every century and not reducing oneself to poverty or martyrdom.

    • GiveWell (1)
    • Animal Charity Evaluators (2)

Who are we marketing it to?

Various individuals who have extra money, and are not caught up buying the next phone and bigger car*:

(1) Empathetic liberals (I guess), those who haven't been rich all their life, altruists, etc.

Not hard conservatives, not those who haven't given others a second thought, not rationalists.

(2) veg*ans, and others I don't know how to categorize specifically...

Who will be doing the marketing?

Almost all effective altruists except those who are CEOs of non-EA based orgs. In other words, those who are not forever swamped in work (or certain specific problems). Should all EAs? No, not really. Some know too little, and some convey the message poorly.

Where will (audience) ultimately buy the product?

The "beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that produce effective giving behavior" should not be thought of as something to hard sell. It should be sometimes thought as bringing simple awareness, and building a dialogue with others.

  • "not going to waste it on a big house, a new car every year and a bunch of friends who want a big house and a new car every year.” - Larry (Bill Murray) The Razor’s Edge 1984 movie ~ 1944 book.

Related Research


We posit that altruistic donors are more driven by the actual impact of their donation, and thus information to reinforce or enhance perceived impacts will drive higher donations. On the other hand, for warm glow donors, information on impacts may actually deter giving [because it's not emotionally based]. This distinction is much along the lines of Kahneman (2003), in which System I decisions (peripheral decisions which use intuition and mere reaction, but no deliberation) are “warm glow” decisions, and System II decisions (deliberative decisions requiring conscious reasoning and thought) are “altruism” decisions.

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