Adam Steinberg

Communications Lead }{ Philanthropy Officer - IndoPacific @ Giving What We Can - Charity Elections }{ The Life You Can Save
152 karmaJoined Working (15+ years)Seeking workErlangen, Germany



Previous to my 15+ years as an international educator presenting chiefly English Language and Literature in Germany and Wales, I held a range of roles in editing, writing and project management, mostly in line with education and some in the philanthropic realm, in Chicago, Seattle and NYC. Highlights include serving as editor-in-chief an annual magazine for Earth Day Chicago, editing technical articles for Microsoft, and producing (product managing) award-winning educational software for Edmark. I also worked as a copywriter at a German high-tech industrial ad agency for some time.

Since 2019 I have been pursuing a career shift into a communications, outreach, PR, movement-building or related role in or near the EA space. (If it involves education, so much the better.) This effort eventually bore some tasty fruit: I am now communications lead (PT) for the Charity Elections program, a project cultivated by Giving What We Can. I am also Philanthropy Officer for The Life You Can Save. I continue to seek an additional part-time role, as both of these are PT.

Current interests related to EA include deepening my understanding of various areas of EA including longtermism and cause prioritization, exploring and developing the stories we use to bring EA to a wider audience, and looking at current thinking around the application of EA approaches and ideas in educational contexts and the working world.

I'm also a sometime volunteer editor for various EA organizations and, recently served on the Comms Team for High Impact Professionals, occasional editor for The Unjournal, and an amateur songwriter ( with musical theatre cred in the form of a Tisch MFA and various readings in Chicago and NYC. I've got one nice blog entry up for Giving What We Can. Meanwhile, writing and editing stuff can be glimpsed at

How others can help me

Beyond helping me gain deep understanding of EA concepts, I have a new priority: Not based in the Philippines for at least two years, my priority, and the thing I'd appreciate help with, is being pointed towards job opportunities where I can apply my broad communications experience and strong writing and editing skills remotely on behalf of a socially impactful entity.

How I can help others

I am still discovering what I can offer in the EA space. Certainly I have experience with career counseling and writing coach as a secondary educator for 15 years. I rock English and can always advise on anything written, including resumes and important correspondence. And I love good conversations that challenge my priors, so hit me up for a meaningful chat any time about whatever interests you, although especially if you share some interests above. If anyone wants to create something theatrical or musical around EA, I'm your guy. That's a start!


FYI @André Kirschner I have a volunteer looking at translating into German now, though some parts have to wait until next school year's three presented charities are selected, which we hope will be by early June.

Hi, @André Kirschner. We are able to run the program in Germany, though it has not yet been translated into German. If you have thoughts about schools that might be interested, I might be able to dive into my contacts and find localization resources. 

I enjoyed your piece (and adore the title—so atypical for the Forum; perhaps we need more like it). It makes me think about AI alignment and the question, "Can AI ever be truly in line with our values if it cannot feel empathy?" Which could be argued to translate to, "..if it cannot suffer?" 

I was thinking more of how we submit fruit of all varieties to the ordeal of extremely gruelling (they must sit still for hours or days at a time) and potentially humiliating still lifes. 

Would love to see a similar analysis for LinkedIn, for example. There are a decent list of groups, from 80K to GWWC, Founders Pledge to the project I work with, GWWC Charity Elections, that aim to target people as professionals, or in specific professions or professional contexts. It would be instructive to see what success EA has had engaging audiences through that platform, and how.

Great points! I appreciate your concern about the original ideas being aimed too much at the job title and not enough at the  individual, and your thoughts on downside risks are also well taken. I like where you take these ideas from a marketing standpoint, as well. 

I have been encouraged by recent developments like the appointment of a head of communications at CEA, and hope ideas like those in my entry above—and improvements upon them, much as you have offered—will be considered increasingly in the coming months.

Stories are powerful things. I know it is just anecdotal, but I would wager The Lorax and possibly other books (The Giving Tree comes to mind in this moment) boosted my interest in environmental protection. Though it may be I was already tending in that direction as a child and they just fit my sensibilities. I mean, I was also reading Konrad Lorenz pretty young...

Guy, do let me know if there is anything else I can answer to help you decide whether to recommend the program to your school. Thanks!   -Adam-

Greg G., our project lead, sent me this information: Last year, a high school with limited English skills ran the event. Here is a testimonial from the teacher. (She requested sponsorship to run another charity election this year. )

”It had been a fulfilling experience for my students, they have not only learned about not charities but also got a chance to practice their language skills which is incredible! What a great accomplishment!”

While we have not started a process of localization for the program, it is a goal to start in the next year. In the meantime, however, it seems the program shows some success with English language learners.  

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